自然の廃水処理: 小さな生物が世界の水安全保障を改善する
SDGs Chart
・世界における水不足の3つの主な課題:(a) 非効率な水利用インフラ、(b) 不適切な廃水管理、(c)自然の水生態系の健全性。
背景: 水の不安を解決するためのアプローチの優先順位付け
解決策: 実行可能な廃水処理を可能にする小さな生物の利用
・廃水の生物学的処理 – 19世紀から続くアプローチ
Freshwater withdrawals as a share of internal resources, 2019. [Source: Our World In Data]
1. 非効率な水利用インフラ
2. 不適切な廃水管理
3. 自然水生態系の健全性
水の不安を解決するための主なステークホルダーは、(a)水の利用者(人々、組織、都市)、 (b)ソリューションの構築者(イノベーター、企業、政府)である。これらの主体は、水の生態系(自然と人間が作り出したもの)の中で役割を果たし、すべての人に清潔で公平な水へのアクセスを確保する。
1、情報 例えば、透明性の向上や水質の正確なモニタリングなどである。
2、予防 例えば、あらゆるレベルにおける水質汚濁防止法の施行。
3、投資 例えば、解決策への資金提供や水処理へのインセンティブ付与など。
1. 分散型で、エネルギー効率が高く、設計上低コストのため、無機・化学ベースの廃水処理の欠点に対処できる。特に、分散型でモジュール化されているため、廃水処理中の運用面で有利である。
a. 例えば、運転開始時に80%の能力を必要とする他のシステムとは異なり、Biopipeはわずか10%の能力で運転が可能である。
2. 商業的に実現可能なソリューションのほとんどは、世界の北半球で利用・運用されている。これは、イノベーターや企業が取り組むべき地理的ギャップである。
a. 例えば、バイオギル社やバイオパイプ社は、中東、フィリピン、タイなどのグローバル・サウス地域でプロジェクトを実施している。
3. ほとんどのソリューションは飲食部門の廃水処理に焦点を当てており、農業廃水を対象とした商業的ソリューションの存在感は薄い。地理的な観点から見ると、南半球には北半球よりも多くの農業国があり、農業廃水は最も監視されていない。
a. 例えば、Aquacyclは、自然界に存在するバクテリアと電気を組み合わせ、多様な種類の廃水に対応している: 例えば、アクアサイクルは、天然由来のバクテリアと電気を組み合わせ、飲食部門、糞尿管理(畜産)、分散型衛生(自治体)、炭化水素除去(液体貯蔵産業)といった多様な廃水に対応している。
4. 運転経費(OPEX)モデルを提供するソリューションは、多額の先行投資を必要とするものよりも迅速にスケールアップする。セクター別の観点から見ると、OPEXモデルは農業セクター、特にグローバル・サウスでは珍しい。
a. Biofiltro、Cambrian Innovation、Aquacyclは、OPEXモデルを通じて、ターンキー設置、運営、メンテナンスを提供している。収益は廃水処理量と効果に対して発生する。
廃水処理の最大の課題のひとつは、産業界が廃水処理を行うには、きれいな水を購入するよりもコストがかかる場合が多いということだ。小さな生物を使った処理の商業化された例は、水の利用者(人々、産業、都市)にとって強い価値提案を持っている: (a)うまくスケールしているモデルは、高額な先行投資の障壁を減らすためにOPEXモデルに基づいている。
SDG 3: “あらゆる年齢層のすべての人々の健康的な生活を確保し、幸福を促進する”
SDG14: “持続可能な開発のために、海、海洋、および海洋資源を保全し、持続可能な形で利用する”
・経営チーム ジョン・ウェスト(創設者)
・チーム: https://www.biopipe.co/about-us
・経営チーム マシュー・シルバー(創業者兼CEO)
・経営陣: https://algae.com/about
人類は、地球上の生命が繁栄し続けるために克服しなければならない4つの必須生存課題(4Revs)、すなわちボトルネックに直面しています: 食料、水、資源、気候変動・エネルギーです(詳細は下記)。この4つの領域は、革命的なイノベーションを必要とすると同時に、新しい機会の宝庫でもあります。
Aug 16, 2023
Natural Wastewater Treatment: Using Organisms to Improve Global Water Security
Three out of four people in the world experience some form of water insecurity. Even in the most water-stressed countries in the world, water continues to be withdrawn from natural water ecosystems (rivers, lakes, ponds, groundwater, etc.), while a vast majority of wastewater is untreated – and re-enters water ecosystems in that state.
As a result, there is inequitable access to good quality water – particularly because it is cheaper to purchase clean water than treat wastewater in most scenarios. Unfortunately, most of the leading wastewater treatment approaches are high-cost with high energy use. This makes them unviable at scale.
Treating wastewater is a critical pathway to resolving water insecurity around the world. Using tiny living organisms (bacteria, algae, earthworms, etc.) to treat wastewater – especially with high amounts of dissolved organic matter – is a viable alternative. This approach takes inspiration from ‘conventional’ methods from the 19th century and now combines them with profitable delivery models.
Such natural approaches to treating wastewater have the potential to reduce treatment costs and associated carbon footprint by at least one-third (when compared to inorganic or chemical-based approaches). However, most use cases focus on wastewater from the F&B sector and there is an opportunity gap to be addressed, particularly in the global South.
Full text starts here
Sustainable Development Goals Chart
Main Highlights
Problem: Lack of security in water ecosystems around the world
● Globally, 3 out of 4 people currently experience some form of water insecurity
● Three main challenges of water insecurity, globally: (a) inefficient water-use
infrastructure, (b) improper wastewater management, and (c) Health of natural water ecosystems
Context: Prioritizing approaches to resolving water insecurity
● Use and adoption of IoT-enabled remote monitoring solutions, is increasing data and transparency in water ecosystems
● Many wastewater treatment solutions are expensive and complex to adopt – high costs and carbon footprints – making them unviable at scale
● Address cost-carbon gap – to enable wastewater treatment as a service
Solution: Using tiny living organisms to enable viable wastewater treatment
● Biological treatment of wastewater – an approach that dates to the 19th-century
● Successful business models indicate the potential for using living organisms to
sustainably (and profitably)
● Most solutions focus on wastewater treatment for the F&B sector, while commercial
solutions targeted to agricultural wastewater are under-represented
Impact of using tiny living organisms for wastewater treatment
● Reduce wastewater treatment costs and associated carbon footprint by a factor of at least one-third
● For regions with highest water stress, natural wastewater treatment improves the quality of available water
A Systems Perspective on wastewater treatment and water security
● Making available solutions more environmentally and economically viable is critical
● Solution creators need to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to resolve water insecurity
Case overview
According to a Global Water Security Assessment done in 2023, 3 out of 4 people currently experience some form of water insecurity; in the contexts of drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (often referred to as WASH). Lack of access to water and depleting water quality are the critical trends driving global water insecurity, which has negative outcomes for human health, aquatic life, food security, and economic growth.
Freshwater withdrawals as a share of internal resources, 2019. [Source: Our World In Data]
Within the context of water insecurity, withdrawal and use of water continue to exceed safe levels to meet agricultural, industrial, and municipal (public and domestic) needs. As a result, countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are most water-stressed and water-insecure. Without replicable and scalable solutions for effective water management, global water insecurity will continue to deepen and fuel conflicts.
Lack of security in water ecosystems around the world
Surface water (rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.), groundwater, and marine bodies (oceans and seas) form the natural water ecosystems. Human-made infrastructure (reservoirs, dams, pipes, etc.) interacts with the natural water ecosystems to meet agricultural, industrial, and municipal needs.
Based on the most recent geographical assessments and water-related SDGs, here are the three main challenges of water insecurity, globally:
1. Inefficient water-use infrastructure
The loss of water across the infrastructure (treatment plants, pipes, and sewer systems) is reducing equitable access to water. This non-revenue water (NRW) accounts for one-third of all available water for use within the human infrastructure. At the same time, water-use efficiency increased by just about 12% in the last decade.
2. Improper wastewater management
Once water is used, wastewater (containing inorganic and organic waste) is one of the by-products. As of 2017, 80% of global wastewater re-entered natural water ecosystems without being treated, with municipal wastewater accounting for almost half. This trend continues because it is often cheaper to get clean water than treat wastewater, while the lack of actionable wastewater regulations makes it easy for water users to ignore this issue.
3. Health of natural water ecosystems
Apart from the different naturally occurring water bodies, watersheds are an integral part of the natural water ecosystem. On one side, water loss leads to over-extraction of water, and untreated wastewater re-entering natural ecosystems reduces water quality. At the same time, the global cover of watersheds is declining due to deforestation while unpredictable patterns of precipitation emerge.
The cost and complexity of solutions to one or more of these global water insecurity challenges determine their widespread use and adoption, while specific numbers and figures may vary across different regions and countries.
Prioritizing challenges and approaches to resolving water insecurity
The primary stakeholders in resolving water insecurity are (a) water users (people, organizations, cities), and (b) solution-builders (innovators, companies, governments). These entities play a role within the water ecosystem (natural and human-made) to ensure clean and equitable access to water for all.
Broadly, approaches to address water insecurity fall under one of these three categories:
- Information. For instance, better transparency and accurate monitoring of water quality
- Prevention. For instance, enforcement of water pollution laws at all levels
- Investments. For instance, financing solutions and incentivizing water treatment
Solutions that are simple or low-cost are often easy to scale – and sustainable in the long run. For instance, the use and adoption of IoT-enabled remote monitoring solutions, is increasing data and transparency in water ecosystems. These monitoring solutions are often offered in economically viable OPEX (operational expenditure) models, making it easy for stakeholders to implement them.
In comparison, many wastewater treatment solutions are expensive and complex to adopt. Inorganic approaches, such as ion exchange, membrane filtration, and oxidation, have high costs and carbon footprints, making them unviable at scale. Such solutions have the highest market share, currently. To address this cost-carbon gap – to make wastewater treatment low-cost and scalable, innovators and companies around the world are using living organisms (such as microorganisms, algae, worms, etc.) to enable wastewater treatment as a service.
Using tiny living organisms to enable viable wastewater treatment
Inorganic and chemical-based wastewater treatment is often centralized, energy-intensive, and costly. The biological treatment of wastewater – an approach that dates back to the 19th century – may address these gaps. Most biological treatment approaches involve the use of microorganisms (like bacteria), but this has expanded to other types of tiny living organisms that thrive on wastewater.
Here are a few solutions using the biological approach to wastewater treatment, in the context of their scope and scale of adoption:
Compared with traditional, centralized wastewater infrastructure, Biopipe presents a decentralized system that treats domestic wastewater for reuse in irrigation and secondary use applications. [Source: Biopipe]
From the research on commercially viable solutions (for using living organisms to treat the wastewater), a few interlinked trends emerge:
1. They are decentralized, energy-efficient, and low-cost by design – addressing drawbacks of inorganic and chemical-based wastewater treatment. Especially because they are decentralized and modular, they have operational advantages while treating wastewater.
a. For instance, unlike other systems, which require a starting operational capacity of 80%, Biopipe can operate at only 10% capacity
2. Most commercially viable solutions are available and operational in the global North, whereas most water-stressed countries and people are in the global South. This is a geographical gap for innovators and companies to address.
a. For instance, BioGill and Biopipe have implemented projects in Global South regions like: the Middle East, Philippines, Thailand, etc.
3. Most solutions focus on wastewater treatment for the F&B sector, while commercial solutions targeted to agricultural wastewater are under-represented. From a geographical perspective, the global South has more agrarian countries than the global North, and agricultural wastewater is the least monitored.
a. For instance, Aquacycl combines naturally occurring bacteria and electricity to meet diverse types of wastewater: F&B sector, manure management (livestock), distributed sanitation (municipal), and hydrocarbon removal (liquid storage industry).
4. Solutions that provide an operational expenditure (OPEX) model scale quicker than the ones that require large upfront investments. From a sectoral perspective, OPEX models are uncommon in the agricultural sector, particularly in the global South.
a. Biofiltro, Cambrian Innovation, and Aquacycl offer turnkey installation, operation, and maintenance through OPEX model, where revenue is generated against the volume and effectiveness of wastewater treated
Aquacycl’s onsite wastewater treatment at Vopak (tank storage company) was able to demonstrate permit compliance of all monitored compounds in a small footprint, with 50% lower greenhouse gas emissions. [Source: Water Technology Online]
Successful business models indicate the potential for using living organisms to sustainably (and profitably) treat wastewater. Innovations need to continue to address more diverse, contextual use cases of wastewater, while iterations in go-to-market strategies and revenue models will drive the adoption of such solutions in the most water-insecure countries in the world.
Impact Statement
Addressing the untreated wastewater challenge is critical to improving water security in the most water-stressed regions of the world. At present, most of the untreated wastewater (~80%) enters the natural water ecosystems – reducing access to water and the quality of water.
Most chemical and inorganic approaches to wastewater treatment are expensive and energy intensive. And currently, such solutions have a higher market share than sustainable and economically viable approaches to wastewater treatment.
Using tiny living organisms to treat wastewater – especially those with high concentrations of dissolved organic waste (such as from the F&B sector, municipalities, etc.) – is a viable alternative to increase the proportion of wastewater that gets treated. Also, it helps water users (people, industries, and cities) to reduce costs while reducing their carbon footprint.
Natural wastewater treatment reduces costs and carbon footprint
Based on commercialized examples of using tiny living organisms to treat wastewater (natural approach), they reduce wastewater treatment costs and associated carbon footprint by a factor of at least one-third. This strengthens the value proposition for decentralized wastewater treatment and eventually helps improve the socio-economic value of water around the world.
Wastewater treatment reduces overexploitation of water ecosystems
By choosing to treat wastewater and use the treated water as a resource, the water withdrawals from the ecosystem reduce. At the same time, this reduces the amount of untreated water re-entering the water ecosystems, helping improve the quality of available water. Both these outcomes are of the highest significance in regions with the highest water stress.
Business and operational model innovations increase % of wastewater treated
One of the biggest challenges to wastewater treatment is that it’s often more expensive for industries to get their wastewater treated than just purchasing clean water. The commercialized examples of treatment using tiny living organisms have strong value propositions for water users (people, industries, and cities): (a) models that are scaling well bank on an OPEX model to reduce the barrier of high upfront investments, (b) they unlock financial savings for users while enabling them to achieve environmental goals.
Here are the SDGs being addressed (from most impact to least impact) by using tiny living organisms for treating wastewater:
- SDG 6: “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”
- SDG 12: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”
- SDG 13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulatingemissions and promoting developments in renewable energy”
- SDG 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization,and foster innovation”
- SDG 10: “Reduce income inequality within and among countries”
- SDG 3: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”
- SDG 14: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development”
Systems Perspective
Three out of four people in the world are experiencing some form of water insecurity. Access to clean water is inequitable. This requires collective action from different stakeholders (water users and solution creators) along with the integration of various context-relevant approaches and solutions.
In the context of wastewater management, the primary challenges have been energy efficiency and the costs associated with the process. Therefore, making available solutions more environmentally and economically viable is a critical pathway to enable a future where most wastewater gets treated, at the place of its origin.
Within wastewater treatment, there are diverse approaches. Coming to using tiny living organisms for treating wastewater, the commercialized examples have clear sustainable and economic advantages over other methods (such as using chemicals or inorganic materials). That said, it’s not the one-stop solution to wastewater management. For instance, it is not a suitable standalone choice when the wastewater contains high amounts of chemical waste or metallic impurities.
The limitation of a one-dimensional approach to wastewater becomes apparent in the focus of solutions that use tiny living organisms. Most of them focus on the F&B sector, which is not among the top 3 generators of industrial wastewater [energy – 85%; manufacturing (which includes F&B in some cases) – 12%, and mining – 2%]. At present, the biggest opportunity to reduce untreated wastewater is in agriculture because it is the least monitored, followed by municipalities and industries.
For an implementation to be holistic, and to turn wastewater into a resource at scale, a combination of approaches is important. Solution creators (innovators, companies, and governments) need to recognize this in practice and avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to resolving this challenge.
Also, wastewater treatment is a challenge that is connected to other challenges in the water ecosystem and more broadly, climate change. For instance, nature-based solutions to restore natural water ecosystems are critical to balance the current effects of climate change and shifting weather patterns.
To design a world where everyone has equitable access to water, in addition to changes to organizations and systems, as a society the value of water needs to be better understood. Currently, clean water is undervalued, and behavior change at all levels is key to bringing a fair value to water, and ensuring water security regardless of where someone lives or how much money they make.
BioGill (Asia-Pacific)
・ Website: https://biogill.com/
・Management Team: John West (Founder)
Biopipe (Global)
・Website: https://www.biopipe.co
・ Team: https://www.biopipe.co/about-us
Biofiltro (Global)
・ Website: https://biofiltro.com/
・ Management Team: https://biofiltro.com/who-we-are/
Cambrian Innovation (North America)
・ Website: https://www.cambrianinnovation.com/
・ Management Team: Matthew Silver (Founder & CEO)
GWT (North America)
・ Website: https://algae.com
・ Management Team: https://algae.com/about
Aquacycl (North America)
・Website: https://www.aquacycl.com
・Management Team: https://www.aquacycl.com/company/
Humanity is facing four essential survival challenges (4Revs) – or bottlenecks – which we must overcome to enable the continued flourishing of life on Earth: Food, water, resources, and climate change/energy (details below). These four areas will require revolutionary innovation and, at the same time, provide a treasure trove of new opportunities.
4Revs is a unique, co-creative ecosystem
that aims to help humanity solve these four survival challenges in one generation – between 2020-2050.
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