CTrees: ハイテクを駆使した世界の木々のモニタリング
効果効能: CTreesの科学的アプローチは、地球規模、地域規模、あるいは森林再生プロジェクトにおける個々の木など、あらゆる規模の森林に対応することができます。彼らの言葉を借りれば、このプラットフォームを通じて、「組織は気候変動との戦いにデータをもたらし、あらゆる場所のあらゆる木の炭素を正確に測定、報告、検証(MRV)することができる」のです。
CTreesは、気候変動を「解決」するためのパズルの重要なピースとして森林に注目している国際的な関係者の文脈に属しています。世界的な炭素危機の深刻さを認識し、規模を拡大できる解決策がしばしば脚光を浴びています。こうした取り組みを強化するため、国連は2021年から2030年を「生態系復元の10年」と宣言しています。この目標は、70を超える国連加盟国によって極めて重要であると指摘されています。森林を回復させるためには、「森林景観の回復とは、永続的な利益を確保する方法で景観を強化することである」と国連は考えています。これには、地域の気候調節機能の向上、洪水や浸食の抑制、食料や非食品の種類と供給力の増加、地域コミュニティの経済的機会などが含まれます。これらの目的に取り組むプログラムには、「Trees in Cities Challenge」(都市空間の森林再生)、気候や生物多様性に関するワーキンググループなどがあります。
CTreesは、「透明性、正確性、実用性を備えた方法とデータで、確実な森林炭素会計を可能にする最初のグローバルモニタリングシステム」であるとしています。彼らのモットーは大胆です。「森と木を見る 」です。このプラットフォームは、特にNASAの科学者とエンジニアによって開発されました。CTreesは、彼らのユニークなスキルセットを使って、地球のために何か有益なことをしたいという情熱から生まれました。例えば、NASAのジェット推進研究所の上級科学者であるサッサン・サッチーは、サイドプロジェクトとしてCTreesの指導に協力しています。
CTreesチームは、”プロジェクト開発者、投資家、供給国、意思決定者のより大きなコミュニティに、持続的かつ運用可能な科学主導のデータを提供する “というミッションを掲げ、プラットフォームを構築したのです。例えば2021年、CTreesは世界の樹木が4000億トンの炭素を貯蔵していると推定している–これは大変な量です。この数字は、2021年に米国全体で48.7億トンの二酸化炭素(GtCO2)を発生させたことを意味します。
#9 産業イノベーション:NASAの科学者とエンジニアが、世界の樹木を監視するための衛星プラットフォームを構築しています。
#13 気候変動対策:森林の減少や再生の取り組みを支援し、気候変動対策に取り組むための新たな手段を見出す。
#15 陸上の生命:健全な森林の育成とスチュワードシップを支援する。
#17 目標のためのパートナーシップ:科学者、技術者、組織、企業、国家がセクターを越えて協力し、気候変動に対処する。
上記で簡単に述べたように、林業プロジェクトが提供する炭素クレジットや生態系サービスの二重計上も監視すべき事項である。しかし、この種のプロジェクトにおけるごまかしは、今に始まったことではありません。研究者は10年以上前の論文を見つけ、二重計上が問題となる分野を詳しく説明しました(研究論文も、研究してから出版されるまで数年かかることを覚えておいてください)。研究者は、以下のような場合に二重計上が起こりうると報告しています。「生態系サービスのあいまいな定義と一貫性のない分類、生態系の複雑さに対する不十分な理解、個々の生態系サービスの排他性と補完性の不適切な認識、生態系サービスの時空間スケール依存性、生態系サービス評価手法間の重複と相互参照の欠如 “です。
植林事業は、共有地を私有化するものだという批判もある。世界の多くの地域で、森林は共同での放牧、薪、その他の林産物(キノコ、ハーブなど)の収穫のための地域となっている。炭素貯留や炭素クレジットの目的で土地を購入またはリースする場合、多くの場合、この地域を共同利用から締め出すことを意味します。そのため、地域住民は貴重な生計手段を失うことになる。例えば、国連のREDD+の生態系サービスへの支払いプログラムは、保全のための社会的・政治的配慮を見落としているとして、このような批判を受けています。また、近年では、地域コミュニティを森林から引き離し、森林を唯一の指標として管理することの危険性についても多くのことが語られています。アメリカ西海岸で発生した壊滅的で制御不能な大火災は、先住民を土地から追い出し、その後100年にわたるUSFSによる不適切な森林管理が原因だとする科学者もいます(Nancy Langston著『Forest Dreams, Forest Nightmares』に多数記載されています)。
Albedo Effect in Forests
https://anthropocenemagazine.us2.list- manage.com/track/click?u=fecc70e48b1b7920119ac5984&id=54e481c5f9&e=7de2858eb2
A NASA Scientist Designed a Platform to Track the Carbon of Every Tree on the Planet
https://www.fastcompany.com/90789651/a-nasa-scientist-designed-a-platform-to-track-the-carbon-of- every-tree-on-the-planet
Phantom Forests: Why Ambitious Tree Planting Projects are Failing
REDD+ Pitfalls
Dec 31, 2022
CTrees: high-tech satellite monitoring for all the world’s trees
CTrees is a nonprofit that has it’s eye on the world’s trees: literally! This organization was started by NASA scientists, who have created a state-of-the-art satellite monitoring platform to accurately calculate, in real-time, the carbon capture amount of individual, regional, and global trees.
In an era of exponential interest in reforestation and carbon credits to act on climate change, CTrees aims to address the blind spot of real-time data on global forest cover, at micro, meso and macro levels. Forestry projects have been previously plagued by double-counting, over-reporting, and other ills, such as changing climate, forest fires, and illegal logging. CTrees provides the data for all these aspects that were previously difficult to monitor. For carbon credit and nature-based solutions investment, as well as nationally determined carbon drawdown initiatives, CTrees provides accurate, transparent, and secure data to help legitimise forestry carbon reduction initiatives.
【Sustainable Development Goals Chart】
【Main Highlights】
Problem: Carbon levels in the atmosphere continue to rise, and the earth currently holds 414.72ppm in the atmosphere. Cutting carbon is necessary, but many scientists also say that without some aspects of drawdown of the carbon from the atmosphere, we will not be able to achieve climate goals. Deforestation alone is responsible for between 10-15% of global CO2 emissions.
Context: Attention on the health of forests falls within the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, 2021- 2030. More and more approaches that fit within these international guidelines are being applied at local, regional, and national levels: reforestation; tree planting; carbon credits; carbon sequestration (drawdown); payment for ecosystem services; nature based solutions, etc.
Solution: CTrees is a nonprofit that is a science-driven, satellite forest monitoring system, that creates accurate and reliable real-time data on the condition and carbon storage potential of forests globally. The CTrees system was built by NASA scientists, applying their satellite knowledge to the problems of the earth. The founders seem to have followed the Drawdown pledge, that “every job is a climate job.”
Impact Statement: CTrees scientific approach can work with forests of any size – global, regional or even individual trees in a reforestation project. In their bold words, through their platform, “organizations can bring data to the climate fight, accurately measuring, reporting and verifying (MRV) the carbon in every tree, everywhere.”
CTrees website shows a tree comprised of pixelated trees. Their monitoring technology claims to be able to calculate carbon storage of every tree on the planet.
【Case Overview】
CTrees falls within the context of international actors looking at forests as a key piece of the puzzle for ‘solving’ climate change. Realizing the immensity of the global carbon crisis, solutions that can be scaled up often receive the limelight. To solidify these efforts, the UN has proclaimed 2021-2030 as the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. This goal was flagged as crucial by over 70 UN signatory countries. In order to restore forests, the UN holds that, “Restoring forest landscapes means enhancing landscapes in ways that ensure lasting benefits. These include better local climate regulation, improved flood and erosion control, increased variety and availability of food and non-food products, and economic opportunities for local communities.” Programs that work to these aims include the Trees in Cities Challenge (to reforest urban spaces); working groups on climate and biodiversity; etc.
Other actors dedicated to reforesting and other forestry initiatives include the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF has the aspiration to conserve, restore, or plant one trillion trees through their ”1T’ program. WEF has framed the situation as an opportunity, as they hold, “Forests are an essential part of the solution to tackle climate change and biodiversity collapse. Healthy forests are also important for jobs and sustainable livelihoods through forest products and activities such as conservation and restoration. Forests make us healthier and more resilient; they filter air pollution and reduce heat islands in cities; and they can propel new drug discoveries to treat current and future diseases.”
Moreover, in the race to create reforestation projects, various levels and scopes of action are being applied – such as private tree planting, national tree planting, and maintenance of private and public forested lands. For instance, through the Bonn Challenge (an international effort to catalyze restoration), India pledged to restore 26 million hectares of deforested and degraded land, and through the Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), India pledged to sequester an additional 2.5 to 3 billion tons of CO2 equivalent through increased forest and tree cover by 2030. Essenatially, the enthusiasm for reforestation and restoration has also brought with it a rush of new and global initiatives. In some cases, there have been criticisms for credits and programs double counting on ambitious targets – which can easily go unnoticed without proper monitoring of large claims.
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels, we can monitor it, but globally there has been no dent in the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere, even during the pandemic
【The CTrees Difference】
CTrees holds that they are, “the first global monitoring system to enable robust forest carbon accounting with methods and data that are transparent, accurate, and actionable.” Their motto is cheeky: “see the forest, and the trees.” The platform was developed, notably, by NASA scientists and engineers. CTrees was born out of a passion to use their unique skill set to do something beneficial for the planet. For instance, Sassan Saatchi, a senior scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is helping lead CTrees as a side project.
The CTrees team built the platform with a mission, “to serve a larger community of project developers, investors, supplier countries, and decision makers with sustained and operational science-driven data.” In 2021, for instance, CTrees estimates the world’s trees stored 400 billion tons of carbon – that’s a lot of accounting! To put this figure in perspective, the entire US generated 4.87 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide (GtCO2) in 2021.
CTrees is not the first company to use AI and satellites to monitor trees, however, their technology allows them to do so with the highest accuracy of any platform to date. Technology even a decade ago would not have been able to provide the accuracy and detail as found in the CTrees system, but now with attuned satellites, they can accurately look at the jurisdictional level of forest health, and even down to the local level to examine individual trees, such as young trees planted in a restoration effort. With considerations like climate change, forest fires, illegal logging, etc., a real-time satellite monitoring approach allows landholders and carbon credit buyers to monitor the state of forests, so that claims accurately reflect the reality on the ground. This real-time assurance was not available before, and surveys would have been more lengthy and costly.
WIth so much investment going into carbon credits and selling carbon assets these days, the CTrees platform can be used to help countries convince buyers they’re maintaining trees, as well as buyers to monitor their forest investments. Other uses for the technology include: monitoring city trees (i.e. to address urban heat island effect); monitoring deforestation (illegal logging, damage due to pests, damage due to climate change); and monitoring other forest intrusions (illegal building).
CTrees provides jurisdictional carbon trends, examples shared on their site include California; Chiapas, Mexico; Indonesia; the Congo; and Brazil.
【Impact Statement】
As one of the key activities for carbon sequestration is restoring and maintaining forests globally, CTrees’ platform provides accurate monitoring and accountability for this growing sector. With their new data-driven technology platform, double-counting and claiming forests are healthy and storing carbon when they’re not becomes much harder. The CTrees technology gives, for the first time, an accurate picture of what is happening with forests globally.
The case touches a number of the SDGs including:
#9 Industry Innovation: NASA scientists and engineers crafting a satellite platform to monitor the trees of the world.
#13 Climate Action: finding new means to address climate reduction through assisting drawdown and reforestation efforts.
#15 Life on Land: Supporting the growth and stewardship of healthy forests.
#17 Partnerships for the Goals: cross-sector collaboration between scientists, engineers, orgnaizations,
businesses, and nations looking to address climate goals.
【Systems Perspective】
Does managing for just one variable – carbon – omit other factors? In other words, do we only ‘see’ what we are measuring? Carbon storage, for instance, does not necessarily equate to biodiversity, habitat creation, watershed replenishment, soil regeneration, etc. There are other issues that matter – beyond carbon – for forest and overall ecological health. Managing for the variable of ‘carbon’ is a form of reductionist and not systems thinking. Moreover, looking at forests just in terms of carbon is an anthropocentric view of forests, and not necessarily what forests need to be healthy. For instance, trees in a certain area, like the high altitude desert of Ladakh, India (where many recent tree-planting initiatives have taken place) could actually further disturb already distressed ecologies through the albedo effect, as well as depleting near-irreplaceable groundwater stores. Although much-lauded and receiving significant amounts of support/finance, tree planting projects in inappropriate ecologies can actually cause more harm than good.
As briefly mentioned above, double counting of carbon credits or ecosystems services provided by forestry projects is also a consideration to monitor. However, deception in these sorts of projects is not new. The researcher found a paper from over 10 years ago that detailed the areas where double counting was an issue (keep in mind research papers also take several years to come out between researching and publishing). The researchers report that double counting can occur in the case of: “ambiguous definitions and inconsistent classifications of ecosystem services, poor understanding of ecosystem complexity, inadequate recognition of exclusiveness and complementarities of individual ecosystem services, spatio-temporal scale dependence of ecosystem services, and overlap and lack of cross-referencing between ecosystem service valuation methods.”
Tree planting projects have also been criticised for their role in privatising the commons. In many parts of the world, forests are areas for communal grazing, firewood, and other forest product harvesting (mushrooms, herbs, etc). When lands are purchased or leased for carbon storage/carbon credit purposes, often this means closing off this area to communal use. Thus, local people lose access to a valuable source of livelihood. The UN REDD+ payment for ecosystem services program, for instance, has received such criticism, as it overlooks the social and political considerations of conservation. There has been much written in recent years also, about the hazards of moving local communities off and out of the forests, and managing the forests for a sole variable. Some scientists even attribute the devastating and uncontrollable fires along the West Coast of the US, due to moving native populations off the land, and the subsequent century of inappropriate forest management by the USFS (documented extensively in the book Forest Dreams, Forest Nightmares by Nancy Langston).
Importantly, climate/environmental equity is not a theme addressed in the CTrees public discourse. When considering who benefits from carbon credit schemes, often it is local communities who should be benefiting, yet as mentioned above, local forest land is given at their expense to international bidders. If CTrees refocuses to add a climate equity piece to their platform, they would for instance give subsidised or sliding scale rates for their technology if it was going to be used to benefit a community in a non-Western context (i.e. local land stewards in India, or the Congo).
One last consideration is the growing issue of space debris, or space waste, or orbital debris (artificial material orbiting earth). The more satellites we have orbiting the earth, the more we have material fragmenting off and entering into space. NASA estimates currently there are some 27,000 space debris orbiting earth. Due to their extremely high speeds, even small fragments of space waste can cause serious damage to other satellites and the space station – and also fragment off pieces creating more space debris. Moriba Jah of NASA recently won a MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship for his work on this timely and little researched topic. As we increasingly enter a digital age, our impact on space is also a point for consideration.
Pitfalls of massive tree planting campaigns. For instance, mono-crops of non-native tree species; or species that are highly water-dependent in water scarce regions.
【Links and Contact Information】
Albedo Effect in Forests
https://anthropocenemagazine.us2.list- manage.com/track/click?u=fecc70e48b1b7920119ac5984&id=54e481c5f9&e=7de2858eb2
A NASA Scientist Designed a Platform to Track the Carbon of Every Tree on the Planet
https://www.fastcompany.com/90789651/a-nasa-scientist-designed-a-platform-to-track-the-carbon-of- every-tree-on-the-planet
Phantom Forests: Why Ambitious Tree Planting Projects are Failing
REDD+ Pitfalls
Mar 8, 2024
Mar 6, 2024
Tomato Jos: Investment & Impact into Nigeria’s Tomato Industry
Mar 4, 2024
Feb 3, 2024
Jan 4, 2024