




1. 都市は、気候危機に取り組む上で重要な役割を担っている。そこで、気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)は、入手可能な最善の科学的証拠をまとめ、都市と気候に関する特別報告書を作成することを決定した。
2. 国連で都市開発機関を担当しているUN-Habitatは、都市ネットワークの「気候・エネルギーに関するグローバル市長会議」とともに、IPCCのプロセスに指針や意見を提供するため、「Inovate4Cities」という大規模な国際会議を主催した。この会議の主な成果をまとめた報告書が公表された。
3. この報告書では、気候の影響への適応と気候変動の緩和の両方を含む、都市における気候変動のイノベーションの優先分野を特定している。その中には、以下のような分野が含まれている:グリーンとブルー・インフラ、都市計画と設計、インフォーマル・セクターの役割、金融、不確実性、持続可能な消費と生産。

Sep 21, 2022

Urban climate solutions receiving increasing attention


【Main Points】
1. Cities play an important role in tackling the climate emergency. Therefore, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has decided to produce a special report on cities and climate, summarising best available scientific evidence.
2. To provide guidance and input to the IPCC process, UN-Habitat, the UN body dealing with urban development, together with the city network Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, organised a major international conference named Inovate4Cities. A report summarising the main findings of that meeting was recently published.
3. The report identifies priority areas for climate innovation in cities, including both adaptation to climate impacts and climate change mitigation. Some of the areas included are: Green and blue infrastructure, Planning and design, Informal sector, Finance, Uncertainty, and Sustainable consumption and production.

The world continues to experience rapid urbanisation. According to the most recent UN estimates approximately 55% of the world’s 7.9 billion inhabitants lived in cities and their extended urbanised regions in 2018. By the year 2050, it is projected that more than two-thirds of the population will live in these places and much of the population growth over the next 30 years will occur in cities (predominantly those of the Global South). As a well-recognized global mega-trend, it has become clear that cities and their expected growth represent both a significant challenge and opportunity for those focused on addressing the climate change crisis. Small and medium sized cities in the Global South, for example, have high levels of vulnerable populations and limited response capacity. At the same time, cities and their stakeholders and leaders have been well documented as being very innovative with respect to climate change adaptation and mitigation. It is in this multi-faceted and dynamic context that cities and their residents emerge as important actors in the global climate change response.



Future Earth press release: https://futureearth.org/2022/05/11/future-earth-innovate4cities-report/

Report: https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/05/findings_from_innovate4cities_2021_and_update_to_the_global_research_and_action_agenda.pdf