欧州では、藻類の利用に関する多くのEUまたは国出資の研究プロジェクト(Pro Future、AlgaCycleなど)に加え、微細藻類を栽培し、抗酸化物質、色素、油、ミネラル、ビタミンなど、これらの植物から抽出できる多くの成分を販売する企業が複数存在する。これらの企業の多くは、食品や動物飼料、化粧品、バイオプラスチックやバイオ燃料の生産者、農業用肥料産業や廃水処理など、複数の商品分野に一度に製品を販売している。微細藻類を生産する方法と、そこから栄養分を抽出する方法はいくつかある。微細藻類を培養・加工する企業が、独自のシステムで特許を取得しているケースも少なくない。
ヨーロッパでは、藻類の利用に関する多くの国費研究プロジェクト(Pro FutureやAlgaCycleなど)がある一方、微細藻類を培養し、抗酸化物質、色素、油、ミネラル、ビタミンなど、これらの植物から抽出できる多くの成分を販売する企業もいくつか存在します。
source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43393-021-00038-8
欧州のグリーンディールでは、持続可能な食料システムと世界の食料安全保障のための代替タンパク質源として、藻類の重要な役割を認めている。Farm to Forkやバイオエコノミー戦略、ブルーバイオエコノミーフォーラム、再生可能エネルギー指令などのさまざまなイニシアチブが、藻の可能性をよりよく活用するための地域社会の行動を呼びかけている。現在、EU委員会は、持続可能な生産の増加、安全な消費の確保、藻類および藻類を原料とする製品の革新的利用の促進により、藻類部門に利益をもたらすさまざまな政策オプションの評価を行っている。2022年末までに、欧州委員会は、欧州における藻類を促進するための行動計画を伴う「EU Algae initiative」を発表する予定である。
Overview of the algae production industry in Europe
EUや国が出資する藻類利用に関する研究プロジェクト(Pro Future、AlgaCycleなど)に加え、微細藻類を培養し、抗酸化物質、色素、油、ミネラル、ビタミンなど、植物に似たこの生物から抽出できる多くの成分を販売する企業が複数存在する。
Figures in this page: © 2021 Araújo, et al., 2021. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:626389.
Figures in this page: © 2021 Araújo, et al., 2021. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:626389.
Algatek社(スペイン)はバイオテクノロジー企業で、藻の成長因子に有害な特定の太陽光線から藻を保護するために、屋内生産施設で使用する新しいタイプのバイオリアクター「Algatek Algae Accelerator(AAA)」を開発し、特許を取得しています。太陽光の代わりにLEDを使用し、1日22〜24時間、1年365日の生産サイクルを実現しています。この方法により、消費地に近い場所で食品を生産できるようになり、食品廃棄物やフードマイレージを減らすことができます。同社はまた、栄養価の高い製品(A3-MaxTM Algae Formula)と世界初の藻類ブレンドコーヒーも開発しました。
Consonni Bioalgaeは、1996年に設立されたイタリア初の藻類専門会社で、主に栄養剤や化粧品に携わっている。同社は、自社ブランドの完成品と原料の両方を製造しています。同社の藻類は、オーガニックで環境に優しいと認定されています。
TOLO Greenは、2009年に設立されたTOLOグループの会社で、再生可能エネルギー源の計画と発電に関する投資の開発・管理を専門としています。
Azienda agricola Serenissima – AlgaVenice(イタリア)は、何世紀にもわたって農業生産に専念してきた地域、ベネチアラグーンの後背地のことに位置しています。微細藻類の生産は、ウッドチップコジェネレーターを併設した工場で行われ、枝をガス化して微細藻類の増殖に必要な熱を供給するため、大気汚染を避けることができ、ゼロインパクト工場と呼ぶことができる。これにより、欧州共同体が推進する「HORIZON 2020プロジェクト」の枠組みの中で、「ECO-LOGIC GREEN FARM」プロジェクトの認定を受け、地域支援に取り組むことができました。
Microphykos社(ギリシャ)は、藻類と水産養殖のプロジェクトを開発している会社です。現在、海洋孵化場の植物プランクトン生産システム(フォトバイオリアクター)、スピルリナ、屋内および屋外の藻類農場向けに、藻類培養システムをオーダーメイドで製造しています。藻類、ワムシ、アルテミア孵化場生産、スピルリナ養殖、藻類天然物開発、藻類プロジェクト開発および資金調達についてアドバイスします。Microphykosは、パートナーのKuntze Instruments GmbHと共同で、養殖やその他の産業向けの自動水分析および制御を提供しています。
Greenskill (UK) は、持続可能なエネルギー源を使用して、汚染ガスや廃水を価値の高い化学物質に経済的に変換する微細藻類を使用した、堅牢でスケーラブルな産業用生物技術の革新を行っています。微細藻類バイオテクノロジーと持続可能なエンジニアリングに40年近く取り組み、1992年に英国初の微細藻類による下水処理プロセスを、2008年には世界初の炭素捕捉微細藻類バイオリファイナリーを展開した。温室効果ガスの排出を削減し、水域環境の汚染を防ぎ、化石燃料ベースの製品への依存を減らし、代わりに代替品を経済的に、クリーンに、カーボンニュートラルに、持続的に生産するバイオテクノロジーのソリューションを開拓することを目的としています。
金銭的なインパクト 世界の微細藻類市場は、2020年には9億7730万ドルとなり、2028年には14億8510万ドルに達すると予測されています。
a) 人間が消費する食品添加物、または農業や養殖のための飼料補足物としての高品質なタンパク質。
b) 多価不飽和脂肪酸:人間の食生活における持続可能な代替栄養源として、また養殖動物の飼料補助として。
c) 健康増進のための健康補助食品と栄養補助食品
a) 微細藻類バイオマスへの栄養取り込みによる廃水処理
b) 光合成による高溶存酸素と pH により、HRAPs における太陽紫外線を介した病原体殺菌を強化する。
c) 汚染物質の生物学的吸収、生物学的取り込み、または生物分解による新たな汚染物質のバイオレメディエーション。
Microalgal bioplastics produced either through:
微小藻類バイオプラスチック a) 微小藻類バイオマスからの直接生産 b) 微小藻類バイオマスの混合。
b) 合成プラスチックと微細藻類を混合し、ハイブリッドプラスチックを作る。
c) 微細藻類の細胞成分からの生産
a) 作物植物の成長と収量を改善する b) 植物のストレス耐性を改善する
c) 土壌の状態および安定性の改善 d) 肥料散布量の削減
欧州規模では、微細藻類の生産に関する公式統計は限られており、断片的である。最近の研究では、微細藻類の乾燥重量(DW)182トン、スピルリナの乾燥重量(DW)142トンの生産量に関するデータを収集した。クロレラ属とH. pluvialisは、研究で収集された総値の80%以上に相当する、量の面で最も生産された微細藻類である。
バイオリファイナリーアプローチ(藻類バイオファクトリー)は、既存の従来型工業プロセスの環境持続性と経済性を高める手段として、現在研究されている。藻類バイオリファイナリー製品の使用、抽出、価値化のために、さまざまな潜在的な変換経路が研究されている(Zhang and Thomsen, 2019)。さらに、バイオマス栽培システムの技術的改善が集中的に研究されている(例:沖合養殖、バイオマス最適化の実践、微細藻類の生産と加工に関する技術準備、排水処理とCO2緩和における藻類生産の取り込み)。微細藻類の細胞工場を利用してバイオディーゼルを生産することや、排水を微細藻類増殖用のブロスとして利用することは、経済的実現性を向上させる可能性がある。
・機能性食品および飼料産業における微細藻類の潜在的な産業応用と商業化。A Short Review. Mar Drugs. 2019 May 28;17(6):312. doi: 10.3390/md17060312. PMID: 31141887; PMCID: PMC6628611.
・Udayan, A., Pandey, A.K., Sharma, P. et al. Emerging industrial applications of microalgae: challenges and future perspectives(微細藻類の新たな産業利用:課題と将来の展望)。Syst Microbiol and Biomanuf 1, 411-431 (2021)。https://doi.org/10.1007/s43393-021-00038-8。
・Araújo R, Vázquez Calderón F, Sánchez López J, Azevedo IC, Bruhn A, Fluch S, Garcia Tasende M, Ghaderiardakani F, Ilmjärv T, Laurans M, Mac Monagail M, Mangini S, Peteiro C, Rebours C, Stefansson T and Ullmann J (2021) Current Status of the Algae Production Industry in Europe: ブルーバイオエコノミーの新興セクター.Front. Mar. Sci. 7:626389. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.626389.
AlgaEnergy: https://www.algaenergy.com/contact/contact-information/
Neoalgae: https://neoalgae.es/contacto/?lang=en
Algatek: https://algatek.uk/contact-us/
Consonni Bioalghe: info@consonnibioalghe.it
Tolo Green: https://www.tologreen.it/en/contacts/
Algàdemy: https://algademy.com/en/contact-us
Alga Venice: https://www.algavenice.it/contatti/
Aliga Microalgae: admin@aliga.dk , sales@aliga.dk
A4F: https://a4f.pt/en/contacts
AlgoSource: https://algosource.com/contact/?lang=en
MicroPhykos: info@microphykos.com, sales@microphykos.com, service@microphykos.com
Greenskill: https://www.photobioreactor.co.uk/Contact-Us.html
KeyNatura: keynatura@keynatura.com
Swedish Algae Factory: contact@swedishalgaefactory.com
Aug 29, 2022
The Role of Microalgae in Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy
Algae provides many essential ecosystem services. They contribute significantly to the global primary production while also playing an important role in the uptake of dissolved nutrients from the surrounding environment, coastal defence from hazardous waves and potentially in carbon sequestration.
Algal biomass contains a wide range of useful molecules that can be used to produce food, feed, pharmaceuticals, bioplastics, fertilisers and biofuels. Because of the multitude of its uses microalgae have the potential to become an important component in reaching sustainable development targets. Recent economic studies have proved that the development of microalgal industries is a progressing market field. The global microalgae market was valued at $977.3 million in 2020 and is projected to reach $1,485.1 million by 2028.
In addition to the many EU or national funded research projects on the use of algae (like Pro Future, and, AlgaCycle), there are several companies in Europe that cultivate microalgae and market the many components that can be extracted from these plants, such as antioxidants, pigments, oils, minerals and vitamins. Most of these companies sell to multiple commodity sectors at once, from food and animal feed, to cosmetics, to producers of bioplastics or biofuels, as well as the agricultural fertiliser industry or for wastewater treatments. There are several ways to produce microalgae, as well as to extract nutrients from them. In more than one case, companies that grow and process microalgae have patented their own systems.
Still, the algae and Spirulina sector in Europe is still immature and thus relatively small. Its future growth relies on technical innovations to upscale the production, while reducing the production costs. Additional key needs are to expand and diversify the market for algae and Spirulina commodities and to develop uniform standards for existing products and production methods while informing customers and simplifying regulatory and administrative procedures (e.g., for novel algae-based products, licensing of production units).
【Main Highlights】
● Our society is facing massive challenges like climate change, environmental degradation and food and land scarcity that affects global food security.
● The European Union tries to tackle these challenges through objectives such as the European Green Deal, the transition to a green, circular and carbon-neutral community. Due to the wide range of applications of microalgae biomass the microalgae industry can support the sustainability and security of food and feed systems as well as the circularity of our economy.
● Algae provide many essential ecosystem services. They contribute significantly to the global primary production while also playing an important role in the uptake of dissolved nutrients from the surrounding environment, coastal defence from hazardous waves and potentially in carbon sequestration.
● There are two major types of algae: macroalgae – the multicellular type, visible to the naked eye, also known as seaweed, and microalgae – microscopic, mainly unicellular organisms, also known as phytoplankton.
● In Europe, there are many national funded research projects on the use of algae (like Pro Future and AlgaCycle) but also several companies that cultivate microalgae and market the many components that can be extracted from these plants, such as antioxidants, pigments, oils, minerals and vitamins.
● Most of these EU companies sell to multiple commodity sectors at once, from food and animal feed to cosmetics, to producers of bioplastics or biofuels, as well as the agricultural fertiliser industry or for wastewater treatments.
Impact Statement:
● Because of its multiple uses microalgae has the potential to become an important
component in reaching sustainable development targets a number of UN SDGs such as Goal 2: Zero Hunger, Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal 14: Life Below Water and Goal 15: Life on Land.
Systems Perspective:
● The algae and Spirulina sector in Europe is still immature and thus relatively small. Its future growth relies on technical innovations to upscale the production, while reducing the production costs. It is also necessary to address the challenges regarding biomass safety, economic viability and harvesting methods to facilitate the industrialization of microalgae-based aquaculture.
● The situation of microalgae-based products is likely to be improved due to their potential features, as conveyed by a fast-growing body of scientific information generated by academia, startups, and multinational companies.
【Case Overview】
Algae provides many essential ecosystem services. They contribute significantly to the global primary production while also playing an important role in the uptake of dissolved nutrients from the surrounding environment, coastal defence from hazardous waves and potentially in carbon sequestration. There are two major types of algae: macroalgae – the multicellular type, visible to the naked eye, also known as seaweed, and microalgae – microscopic, mainly unicellular organisms, also known as phytoplankton.
Microalgae support all life in our oceans, freshwater lakes and rivers, by using sunlight through the process of photosynthesis to convert inorganic molecules (carbon dioxide, nutrients and water) into proteins, fats and carbohydrates, plus a host of other organic compounds that help them grow and survive. As microalgae do not have roots, leaves and stems, they can use carbon dioxide and nutrients more efficiently than land plants, enabling them to grow more rapidly. They can be relatively easily cultivated and harvested to produce biomass crops (“algaculture”).
source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43393-021-00038-8
Microalgae has been considered a food supplement from ancient times. People from Mexico and different African countries have reported using Spirulina as a food ingredient. Japanese people also used edible cyanobacteria to prepare their native food ‘Suizenji-nori’.
Algal biomass contains a wide range of useful molecules that can be used to produce food, feed, pharmaceuticals, bioplastics, fertilisers and biofuels. Because of its multiple uses microalgae has the potential to become an important component in reaching sustainable development targets. Recent economic studies have proved that the development of microalgal industries is a progressing market field. The global microalgae market was valued at $977.3 million in 2020 and is projected to reach $1,485.1 million by 2028.
The https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/european-green-deal-communication_en.pdf the important role of algae as a source of alternative protein for a sustainable food system and global food security. Various initiatives such as the Farm to Fork and the Bioeconomy Strategies, the Blue Bioeconomy Forum and the Renewable Energy Directive call on community action to better utilise the potential of algae. Currently, the EU Commission is assessing different policy options that would benefit the algae sector by increasing sustainable production, ensuring safe consumption and boosting innovative use of algae and algae-based products. By the end of 2022, the Commission will release an EU Algae initiative accompanied by an Action plan to promote algae in Europe.
In Europe, the main applications of microalgae biomass are food supplements and nutraceuticals (24%), cosmetics (24%), and feed (19%), contributing together to 67% of the total uses.
Share of commercial biomass applications by macroalgae and microalgae production companies. Results are based on the share in the number of companies (not by volume)
Overview of the algae production industry in Europe
In addition to the many EU or national funded research projects on the use of algae (like Pro Future, AlgaCycle, …), there are several companies that cultivate microalgae and market the many components that can be extracted from these plant-like organisms, such as antioxidants, pigments, oils, minerals and vitamins.
Most of these companies sell to multiple commodity sectors at once, from food and animal feed to cosmetics, to producers of bioplastics or biofuels, as well as the agricultural fertilizer industry or for wastewater treatments.
There are several ways to produce microalgae, as well as to extract nutrients from them. In more than one case, companies that grow and process microalgae have patented their own systems.
Figures in this page: © 2021 Araújo, et al., 2021. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:626389.
In Europe, the top three nations for microalgae production are Germany, Spain, and Italy, but it is growing in other countries across the continent, with more companies exploring opportunities in the promising microalgae sector.
Figures in this page: © 2021 Araújo, et al., 2021. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:626389.
AlgaEnergy (Spain) is a leading biotechnology-based company in the sector of the microalgae culture, that has promoted or is sharing R&I programs, whose results ensure the reliability of its biological processes and high performance in its forefront culture systems. AlgaEnergy has established an innovation network comprising over 150 research partners, being contractually linked to public research organizations, universities and other clusters in the biotechnology of microalgae sector.
Neoalgae (Spain) is a project created in 2012 with the objectives of bridging the gap between laboratory scale and industrial processes in the field of applications of microalgae and of promoting the usage of microalgae in different sectors such as food and feed, and cosmetics. They have three interconnected divisions: technology, production and R & D. They provide service in the following areas: Production of different species of microalgae for use in sectors as diverse as human and animal food, cosmetics, or pharmacosmetics. They also give technical advice for the implementation of photobioreactors for the cultivation of different species of microalgae.
Algatek (Spain) is a biotech company that has developed and patented a new type of bioreactor, the Algatek Algae Accelerator (AAA), to be operated in indoor production facilities to shield the algae from certain sun spectrums that are detrimental to the algae growth factor. The sunlight has been substituted by LED light, which allows a production cycle between 22 to 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Their method allows producing food closer to where it is consumed, which reduces food waste and food miles. The company also created a nutritious product (A3-MaxTM Algae Formula) and the world’s first Algae blended coffee.
Consonni Bioalgae is the first Italian company to specialize in algae since 1996 and is mainly involved in nutrition and cosmetics. They create both company-branded finished products and raw materials. Their algae are certified organic and environmentally friendly.
TOLO Green is a TOLO Group Company, founded in 2009, dedicated to the development and management of investments in the planning and generation of Energy from Renewable Sources.
The company’s business model in recent years has focused on the valorization of microalgae production plants pioneered in the previous period and already existing in various areas in Italy and abroad, and now, in the subsequent upgrading of the same. The group through its brands has been present since 2021 in the innovative sectors of CO2 capture, alternative food to meat and health care resulting from research conducted with its partners and with products from the organic area.
Algàdemy is a company founded in 2019 in Reggio Emilia, in the heart of Italian agribusiness. Algàdemy offers the market food supplements based on the highest quality microalgae, grown in photobioreactors according to the highest standards in terms of control and quality. In addition to marketing its own line of microalgae-based supplements, Algàdemy proposesmicroalgae in the form of pure raw material for different markets such as nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and the food industry.
Azienda agricola Serenissima – AlgaVenice (Italy) is located in an area that has been devoted to agricultural production for centuries, that of the hinterland of the Venetian lagoon. The production of microalgae takes place through a plant side by side with a woodchip cogenerator, which gasifies the branches and provides the heat necessary for the growth of microalgae to avoid air pollution, so it can be called the zero-impact plant. This has enabled the company to achieve its ECO-LOGIC GREEN FARM project recognition and support the community within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 Project promoted by the European Community.
Aliga microalgae is a Danish-based company specializing in producing microalgae for the aquaculture industry worldwide. They claim to have revolutionized the cultivation of different microalgae strains through their proprietary and leading bioreactor technology which enables them to simulate, monitor and optimize nature’s own photosynthesis process in a clean, fully controlled and bio-secured indoor environment. The cultivars they produce have a high cell concentration, free of preservatives, heavy metals and pathogens as well as the biochemical composition suitable for zooplankton and larvae feed. Through gentle harvesting, dewatering and packaging processes they deliver concentrated paste products with the characteristics and attributes of fresh, live microalgae when diluted into culture tanks.
A4F is a biotechnology company, located in Portugal, with more than 20 years of experience in microalgae Research & Development and microalgae production (up to industrial scale). A4F is specialized in the design, build, operation and transfer (DBOT) of commercial-scale microalgae production units, using different technologies. The company shares its experience and vision for microalgae biomass as an emerging sustainable source of raw materials or as final products, in an upswing global market for food, feed, cosmetics, pharma, bio fibres, fertilizers, wastewater treatment, soil remediation, and biofuel.
AlgoSource (France) is a world expert in microalgae that offers an end-to-end range of services, from production engineering to value creation and the industrial development of microalgae. The company has nearly three decades of experience in the research, selection, cultivation, extraction and formulation of functional ingredients from microalgae. They identify the most promising molecules in several dozen varieties of microalgae and apply their expertise in cultivation and extraction processes to develop them for clinical nutrition, nutraceuticals and cosmetics.
Microphykos (Greece) is a company developing algae and aquaculture projects. Currently, manufactures algae culture systems tailor-made for marine hatchery phytoplankton production systems (photobioreactors), Spirulina and algae farms both indoors and outdoors. Microphykos advises on algae, rotifers and Artemia hatchery production; Spirulina farming; algae natural products development; algae projects development and funding. Microphykos offers automated water analysis and control for aquaculture and other industries, in collaboration with their partner Kuntze Instruments GmbH.
Greenskill(UK) innovates robust and scalable industrial biological technologies employing microalgae that economically convert polluting gases and wastewater into high-value chemicals, using sustainable energy sources. They have worked in microalgal biotechnology and sustainable engineering for nearly 40 years, deploying the UK’s first microalgae-based sewage treatment process in 1992 and the World’s first Carbon Capture Microalgal Biorefinery in 2008. They aim to pioneer engineered biotechnological solutions which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prevent the pollution of aquatic environments, cut our reliance on fossil-fuel-based products, and instead produce replacement alternatives economically, cleanly, carbon negatively and sustainably.
KeyNatura (Iceland) specialises in antioxidant products made from microalgae. The products are already available on the food supplements market, which includes Nutraceuticals. In order to produce and extract antioxidants from microalgae, KeyNatura uses a unique technology: microalgae are grown in a closed tank-based photobioreactor with artificial light, through a process that is entirely carbon negative. The production takes place 24/7 and all year round. It is not location-dependent, which means it can be replicated in other countries. KeyNatura has patented its algae cultivation technology and aims to further commercialise it. In the long run, the company anticipates two kinds of customers emerging: retail customers of its antioxidant products; and algal biomass companies interested in its cultivation technology. KeyNatura also plans to make its production a zero-waste process by adding value to every part of the biomass.
The main product developed by Swedish Algae Factory is silica, an advanced nano-porous material extracted from microalgae. Silica has two major usages: firstly, it is used in solar panels as an efficiency enhancer; and secondly, it is applied in luxury personal care products as an absorbent and moisturising agent. The remaining organic biomass can be put to good use in animal feed, fertiliser or fuel, to name a few. Swedish Algae Factory has already filed a patent to protect its unique technology.
【Impact Statement】
Monetary impact: The global microalgae market was valued at $977.3 million in 2020 and is projected to reach $1,485.1 million by 2028.
● Emerging applications of microalgal biotechnology demonstrate the potential for these organisms to assist with the achievement of a number of the UN SDGs. A recent study identified multiple microalgal roles that can assist in achieving multiple SDG goals.
○Microalgal role
a) High-quality protein as a food additive for human consumption or feed supplement for agriculture and aquaculture.
b) Polyunsaturated fatty acids as a sustainable alternative dietary source in human diets and as a feed supplement for farmed animals.
c) Health supplements and nutraceuticals for improved health outcomes.
a) Wastewater treatment through nutrient uptake into microalgal biomass
b) Enhance solar UV- mediated pathogen disinfection in HRAPs, due to photosynthetically driven high dissolved oxygen and pH
c) Emerging contaminant bioremediation through bioabsorption, bio-uptake, or biodegradation of contaminants of concern.
Feedstock for third-generation biofuels, including biodiesel, butanol, bioethanol, biogas (methane), bio-oil, and jet fuel
Microalgal bioplastics produced either through:
a) the direct production from microalgal biomass;
b) blending of microalgae with synthetic plastics to create hybrid plastics or
c) production from microalgal cellular components
Bioremediation of diffuse pollution through nutrient assimilation into filamentous algae biomass growing on artificial flow-ways.
Microalgal-derived biostimulants to
a) improve crop plant growth and yield, b) improve plant stress tolerance,
c) improve soil condition and stability and d) reduce fertilizer application
Conceptual diagram of the role of microalgal technological innovations in supporting the achievement of the UN SDGs
● At the European scale, official statistics on microalgae production are limited and fragmented. A recent study gathered data on production volumes of 182 tons of dry weight (DW) of microalgae and 142 tons (DW) of Spirulina. Chlorella spp. and H. pluvialis are the most produced microalgae in terms of volumes, corresponding to more than 80% of the total values gathered in the study.
【Systems Perspective】
Different studies (see references below), show that the European algae industry as a bio-based sector has a considerable potential to further develop and contribute to critical societal challenges such as the EU carbon neutrality, an innovative food system that ensures access to nutritious and sustainable food, and, ultimately, the support to a sustainable and circular European bioeconomy. There is indeed a wide range of applications of microalgae in biotechnology. In terms of nutritional value, microalgal high-value metabolites are on-demand but commercial development is still in early stages due to high production costs, technical difficulties in downstream processing, and sensory and palatability problems during the development of functional foods.
The algae and Spirulina sector in Europe is still immature and thus relatively small. The algae sector in Europe currently relies on the production of large biomass volumes of a reduced number of species. The results of different studies show that a variety of other species is currently produced, which can be an opportunity to upscale the production volumes and meet increasing market demands or explore other high-value commercial applications based on low biomass volumes.
The algae sector’s future growth relies on technical innovations to upscale production, while reducing production costs. Additional key needs are to expand and diversify the market for algae and Spirulina commodities – which are mainly directed to food and food-related uses – and to develop uniform standards for existing products and production methods while informing customers and simplifying regulatory and administrative procedures (e.g., for novel algae-based products, licensing of production units).
The biorefinery approach (algae biofactory) is currently being investigated as a means to increase the environmental sustainability and economic feasibility of existing conventional industrial processes. Different potential conversion pathways are being researched for the use, extraction and valorization of algae biomass biorefinery products (Zhang and Thomsen, 2019). Additionally, technological improvements in the biomass cultivation systems are intensively researched (e.g., offshore aquaculture, biomass optimization practices, technology readiness for microalgae production and processing, incorporation of algae production in wastewater treatment and CO2 mitigation). Taking advantage of microalga cell factories to also produce biodiesel, or using wastewater as broth for microalgae growth are but two possibilities likely to improve economic feasibility.
Additionally, although many of the compiled production units are of small size, the activities related to the sector appear to represent an important source of livelihood in several coastal areas in Europe. The expected boost in the development of the algae and Spirulina sector in Europe in the coming years needs also to be coupled with the protection of the environmental and recreational services provided by these coastal and fresh water-based ecosystems in order to guarantee the establishment of sustainable and responsible industries.
There are also several drawbacks of using microalgae in large-scale industrial applications. Harvesting microalgae on a larger scale has several practical limitations. Moreover, there are chances of bacterial contamination in microalgal culture in open cultivation systems. Such bacteria can be toxic which affects the growth and survival of aquatic organisms. Therefore, it is necessary to address the challenges regarding biomass safety, economic viability and harvesting methods to facilitate the industrialization of microalgae-based aquaculture.
Considering the above facts, microalgae-based products still face technological and economic difficulties to win the market battle. However, this situation is likely to be reversed due to their potential features, as conveyed by a fast-growing body of scientific information generated by academia, startups, and multinational companies. In any case, quality assurance, safety, regulatory and labelling issues, and environmental impact have to be duly addressed when attempting to bring a microalgal product to the market which will necessarily extend the time period prior to commercial production.
● Camacho F, Macedo A, Malcata F. Potential Industrial Applications and Commercialization of Microalgae in the Functional Food and Feed Industries: A Short Review. Mar Drugs. 2019 May 28;17(6):312. doi: 10.3390/md17060312. PMID: 31141887; PMCID: PMC6628611.
● Udayan, A., Pandey, A.K., Sharma, P. et al. Emerging industrial applications of microalgae: challenges and future perspectives. Syst Microbiol and Biomanuf 1, 411–431 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43393-021-00038-8
● Araújo R, Vázquez Calderón F, Sánchez López J, Azevedo IC, Bruhn A, Fluch S, Garcia Tasende M, Ghaderiardakani F, Ilmjärv T, Laurans M, Mac Monagail M, Mangini S, Peteiro C, Rebours C, Stefansson T and Ullmann J (2021) Current Status of the Algae Production Industry in Europe: An Emerging Sector of the Blue Bioeconomy. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:626389. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.626389
【Links and Contact Information】
AlgaEnergy: https://www.algaenergy.com/contact/contact-information/
Neoalgae: https://neoalgae.es/contacto/?lang=en
Algatek: https://algatek.uk/contact-us/
Consonni Bioalghe: info@consonnibioalghe.it
Tolo Green: https://www.tologreen.it/en/contacts/
Algàdemy: https://algademy.com/en/contact-us
Alga Venice: https://www.algavenice.it/contatti/
Aliga Microalgae: admin@aliga.dk , sales@aliga.dk
A4F: https://a4f.pt/en/contacts
AlgoSource: https://algosource.com/contact/?lang=en
MicroPhykos: info@microphykos.com, sales@microphykos.com, service@microphykos.com
Greenskill: https://www.photobioreactor.co.uk/Contact-Us.html
KeyNatura: keynatura@keynatura.com
Swedish Algae Factory: contact@swedishalgaefactory.com
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