1. 持続可能な都市開発のための国連の主要機関である国連ハビタットは、国連の持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)に沿った都市プロジェクトの設計方法に関する報告書を公表した。急速に成長する都市における地域のSDGsアクションを加速するための指針を示している。
2. この報告書の提言は、過去4年間に10カ国19都市で実施された31のプロジェクトから抜粋されたものである。
3. プロジェクト設計への不利な立場の人々の参加、コミュニティ参画のためのデジタル技術の活用、空間計画の改善、自然に基づくソリューションとグリーンインフラの利用拡大、プロジェクト管理の能力開発、都市行政部門間の調整機能の強化、プロジェクトのライフサイクル全体のコストとプロジェクトの便益への配慮などが提言されている。
関連リンク: レポートのダウンロード
Jun 27, 2022
Integrating SDGs in Urban Project Design (UN report)
【Main Points】
1. UN-Habitat, the UN’s lead agency for sustainable urban development, has published a report on how to design urban projects in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It provides guidance on accelerating local SDG action in fast-growing cities.
2. the recommendations in the report are drawn from 31 projects implemented in 19 cities in 10 countries over the past four years
3. the inclusion of disadvantaged groups in project design, the use of digital technologies for community engagement, improved spatial planning, increased use of nature-based solutions and green infrastructure, capacity building in project management, enhanced coordination between urban administrative departments, and the entire project life cycle Consideration of costs and project benefits are among the recommendations.
By 2050, 68 per cent of the global population will live in urban areas, creating challenges for local governments, especially those in low-income and lower-middle-income countries, where urbanization is happening the fastest. While cities face mounting challenges, they are also the locus of solutions.
When wellplanned and well-managed, cities offer more economic productivity, better employment opportunities and improved quality of life. By supporting rapidly urbanizing cities with transformative development initiatives, governments, institutions, and organizations can fulfil their commitments to meeting the SDGs and promote opportunities for increased prosperity.
Programmes that tackle multiple challenges to sustainable urbanization and capitalize on the opportunities in fast-growing cities can drive transformative change and support development pathways that build resilience, create economic opportunities and improve the lives of people in cities.
Link: Report download:
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