1. 国際的な建築・エンジニアリングコンサルティング会社であるアラップ(Arup)は、英国のエレン・マッカーサー財団と共同で、デベロッパーや建築デザイナーが不動産プロジェクトに循環型経済の原則を適用するのに役立つツールキットを公表した。
2. このツールキットは、「(建築物を)作らない、長期的な価値のために作る、効率的に作る、正しい材料で作る」というフレームワークを採用し、デザイナーやプランナーが新しいプロジェクトの最初の段階で循環型経済の原則を埋め込めるよう、戦略や詳細なアクションに分解して説明している。このツールは、世界中の循環型プロジェクトからの実践的な学習によって継続的に更新される予定である。
3. このツールキットでは、最近のプロジェクトのケーススタディも紹介している―シドニーでの材料パスポートの使用、オランダでの仮設建築物における一時的に借用した建築材料、ソウルでのモジュラー照明システム、ロンドンでのプレハブ木材構造など。
May 6, 2022
Toolkit for Circular Building
【Main points】
1. International consulting firm Arup, in collaboration with UK-based Ellen MacArthur Foundation, has launched a toolkit aimed to help developers and building designers apply circular economy principles in real estate projects.
2. The toolkit adopts a high-level framework – build nothing, build for long term value, build efficiently, and build with the right materials – which breaks down into strategies and detailed actions so that designers and planners can embed circular economy principles into the very beginning of new projects. The tool will be continuously updated with practical learnings from circular projects around the world.
3. The toolkit also introduces case studies from recent projects, including: the use of material passports in Sydney, hired building materials in a temporary structure in the Netherlands, a modular lighting system in Seoul, and prefabricated timber structures in London.
Our built environment – made up of the buildings, roads, infrastructure, and other human-made features of our surroundings – uses almost half the materials extracted globally every year and is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
A circular economy could reduce global CO2 emissions from building materials by 38% in 2050, by reducing demand for steel, aluminium, cement, and plastic. It could also make the sector more resilient to supply chain disruptions and price volatility of raw materials.
By rethinking the way we design our built environment, using new technologies and innovative business models, we can realise more value from existing assets, while keeping resources and building materials in the economy, holding onto their value, and stopping them from becoming waste.
Arup has launched a Circular Buildings Toolkit, in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, to help designers and planners create a better future for the built environment sector.
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