■ 概要
このケースでは、高品質な分散型で拡張性のある新世代のモジュール式太陽光発電システムを、家庭や企業向けにPAYG(Pay As You Go)方式で販売・配布・設置する、女性主導の営利目的の社会的企業であるPowerlive社の取り組みを紹介します。
■ 問題
■ 背景
シャロンは、ジンバブエの女性とそのコミュニティにクリーンで安全な持続可能なエネルギーソリューションを提供する大手エネルギープロバイダー、Powerlive ZimbabweのCEOを務めています。彼女の望みは、再生可能な資源を使って女性の生活をより良くし、小さな力を可能な限り与えていくことです。
■ ソリューション
■ インパクト・ステートメント
PowerliveのCEOであるSharon Yetiは、エネルギーサービスへのアクセスが女性の健康と福祉を向上させることで、持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダに沿った、ジェンダー平等に関するSDG5と、手頃でクリーンなエネルギーに関するSDG7の達成をサポートすることができると考えています。
■ 問題点
ジンバブエでは通信容量が大きな問題となっています。1988年にHwange Coal Plantの運転を開始して以来、国内の発電部門では新たな開発が行われていない。そのため、国内の設備容量の約60%しか利用できない。
■ 背景
ジンバブエの電力の多くは、Kariba Dam水力発電所(約750MW)、920MWのHwange火力発電所、および3つの小規模な石炭火力発電所で生産されています。
■ ソリューション
パワーライブ・ジンバブエは、女性が主導する営利目的の社会的企業です。ジンバブエの農村部や都市周辺部のオフグリッドの一般家庭や小規模農家、学校を対象に、高品質で分散化されたスケーラブルな新世代のモジュール式家庭用・業務用エネルギーシステムを、戦略的に配置された農村部の女性ソーシャルグループのネットワークを通じて、PAYG(Pay As You Go)方式で販売・配布・設置しています。
■ 関連リンク
Feb 18, 2022
PowerLive: Creating a planet run by the Sun - Providing affordable and reliable solar energy solutions to the communities -
The following is an extract.
Zimbabwe relies on hydroelectric power. In rural parts of the country, 80-90% of the people depend on wood fuel and kerosene for cooking lighting. Food processing tasks like milling grain are usually carried out with a diesel-powered system.
Total electricity generation in 2009 was 7,900 gigawatt hours (Gwh). 53% of this was produced from renewable sources. Electricity consumption per capita in 2009 stood at 1,022-kilowatt hours (kWh). 33.9% of this total installed capacity was from hydroelectric plants.
Zimbabwe relies on hydroelectric power. In rural parts of the country, 80-90% of the people depend on wood fuel and kerosene for cooking lighting. Food processing tasks like milling grain are usually carried out with a diesel-powered system.
This case focuses on how Powerlive a for profit women-led social enterprise that sells, distributes and installs high-quality decentralized and scaleable new generation of modular solar home and business energy systems on Pay As You Go (PAYG) basis.
== Main Highlights ==
The Problem:
In Africa, there are many individual, rural, off-the-grid households that are small scale farmers and rural businesses as well as institutions like schools and churches. The lack of access to energy leaves them in the dark, reducing their productivity and quality of life.
The Context:
Sharon is the CEO for Powerlive Zimbabwe, a leading energy provider generating clean, safe and sustainable energy solutions to women and their communities in Zimbabwe. Her ambition is to make women’s lives better and empower them in the smallest way possible through renewable resources.
The Solution:
Powerlive is a social enterprise that makes affordable clean energy available to remote rural off-grid communities through a PAYGO model. We are providing accessible and affordable clean solar energy for both domestic and productive use.
Impact Statement:
The project will provide energy access to over 4,000 rural households and generate annual savings of EUR 240 000 in energy-related expenditure. The systems will generate 300 MWh of clean energy per year and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing kerosene, candles and other non-renewable energy sources. The project will create jobs for 550 women in Zimbabwe.
Systems Perspective:
Powerlive C.E.O, Sharon Yeti believes that access to energy services can improve women’s health and well-being thereby supporting the achievement of SDG 5 on gender equality and SDG 7 on affordable and clean energy in line with the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.
Case Overview
The Problem:
Although national electricity access stands at 40%, access to electricity in rural areas (19%) is much lower than that in urban areas (80%) due to the prohibitive costs of extending national electricity grids.
Capacity is a major concern in Zimbabwe. No new developments have occurred in the country’s generation sector since the commissioning of the Hwange Coal Plant in 1988. Thus only about 60% of the country’s installed capacity is available.
Furthermore, all coal-fired stations in Zimbabwe are in need of major upgrades as currently they have frequent production stops or are not producing at all. This has led to frequent and long lasting blackouts in the country. Imports of energy from neighboring countries are not enough to solve the under capacity problem. As a result, power outages continue to affect the economic performance of industries and services. Small-scale power generators are used all over the country to ease this situation.
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